(My)SQL Cheat Sheet
Here are the most commonly used SQL commands and the most commonly used options for each. There are many more commands and options than listed here. In other words, the syntaxes as I have listed them are far from complete. See the links at the bottom for more complete syntaxes and more commands.
MySQL Command-Line | What | How | Example(s) | Running MySQL | mysql -uusername -ppassword | mysql -ucusack2RO -pegbdf5s | Importing | mysql -uusername -ppassword < filename | mysql -usomeDB -pblah < myNewDB.sql | Dumping (Saving) | mysqldump -uusername -ppassword database [tables] > filename | mysqldump -ume -pblah myDB > My.sql mysqldump -ume -pblah myDB table1 table2 > my.sql
Common MySQL Column Types | Purpose | Data Type | Example | Integers | int(M) | int(5) | Floating-point (real) numbers | float(M,D) | float(12,3) | Double-precision floating-point | double(M,D) | double(20,3) | Dates and times | timestamp(M) | timestamp(8) (for YYYYMMDD) timestamp(12) (for YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) | Fixed-length strings | char(M) | char(10) | Variable-length strings | varchar(M) | varchar(20) | A large amount of text | blob | blob | Values chosen from a list | enum('value1',value2',...) | enum('apples','oranges','bananas') |
| M is maximum to display, and D is precision to the right of the decimal. |
MySQL Mathematical Functions | What | How | Count rows per group | COUNT(column | *) | Average value of group | AVG(column) | Minumum value of group | MIN(column) | Maximum value of group | MAX(column) | Sum values in a group | SUM(column) | Absolute value | abs(number) | Rounding numbers | round(number) | Largest integer not greater | floor(number) | Smallest integer not smaller | ceiling(number) | Square root | sqrt(number) | nth power | pow(base,exponent) | random number n, 0<n < 1 | rand() | sin (similar cos, etc.) | sin(number) |
| MySQL String Functions | What | How | Compare strings | strcmp(string1,string2) | Convert to lower case | lower(string) | Convert to upper case | upper(string) | Left-trim whitespace (similar right) | ltrim(string) | Substring of string | substring(string,index1,index2) | Encrypt password | password(string) | Encode string | encode(string,key) | Decode string | decode(string,key) | Get date | curdate() | Get time | curtime() | Extract day name from date string | dayname(string) | Extract day number from date string | dayofweek(string) | Extract month from date string | monthname(string) |
Basic MySQL Commands | What | How | Example(s) | List all databases | SHOW DATABASES; | SHOW DATABASES; | Create database | CREATE DATABASE database; | CREATE DATABASE PhoneDB; | Use a database | USE database; | USE PhonDB; | List tables in the database | SHOW TABLES; | SHOW TABLES; | Show the structure of a table | DESCRIBE table; SHOW COLUMNS FROM table; | DESCRIBE Animals; SHOW COLUMNS FROM Animals; | Delete a database (Careful!) | DROP DATABASE database; | DROP DATABASE PhoneDB; |
SQL Commands: Modifying | What | How | Example(s) | Create table | CREATE TABLE table ( column1 type [[NOT] NULL] [AUTO_INCREMENT], column2 type [[NOT] NULL] [AUTO_INCREMENT], ... other options, PRIMARY KEY (column(s)) ); | CREATE TABLE Students ( LastName varchar(30) NOT NULL, FirstName varchar(30) NOT NULL, StudentID int NOT NULL, Major varchar(20), Dorm varchar(20), PRIMARY KEY (StudentID) ); | Insert data | INSERT INTO table VALUES (list of values); INSERT INTO table SET column1=value1, column2=value2, ... columnk=valuek; INSERT INTO table (column1,column2,...) VALUES (value1,value2...); | INSERT INTO Students VALUES ('Smith','John',123456789,'Math','Selleck'); INSERT INTO Students SET FirstName='John', LastName='Smith', StudentID=123456789, Major='Math'; INSERT INTO Students (StudentID,FirstName,LastName) VALUES (123456789,'John','Smith'); | Insert/Select | INSERT INTO table (column1,column2,...) SELECT statement; (See below) | INSERT INTO Students (StudentID,FirstName,LastName) SELECT StudentID,FirstName,LastName FROM OtherStudentTable; WHERE LastName like '%son'; | Delete data | DELETE FROM table [WHERE condition(s)];
(Omit WHERE to delete all data) | DELETE FROM Students WHERE LastName='Smith'; DELETE FROM Students WHERE LastName like '%Smith%'; AND FirstName='John'; DELETE FROM Students; | Updating Data | UPDATE table SET column1=value1, column2=value2, ... columnk=valuek [WHERE condition(s)]; | UPDATE Students SET LastName='Jones' WHERE StudentID=987654321; UPDATE Students SET LastName='Jones', Major='Theatre' WHERE StudentID=987654321 OR (MAJOR='Art' AND FirstName='Pete'); | Insert column | ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN column type options; | ALTER TABLE Students ADD COLUMN Hometown varchar(20); | Delete column | ALTER TABLE table DROP COLUMN column; | ALTER TABLE Students DROP COLUMN Dorm; | Delete table (Careful!) | DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] table; | DROP TABLE Animals; |
SQL Commands: Querying | What | How | Example(s) | All columns | SELECT * FROM table; | SELECT * FROM Students; | Some columns | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table; | SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Students; | Some rows/ columns | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table [WHERE condition(s)]; | SELECT LastName,FirstName FROM Students WHERE StudentID LIKE '%123%'; | No Repeats | SELECT [DISTINCT] column(s) FROM table;
| SELECT DISTINCT LastName FROM Students; | Ordering | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table [ORDER BY column(s) [DESC]]; | SELECT LastName,FirstName FROM Students ORDER BY LastName, FirstName DESC; | Column Aliases | SELECT column1 [AS alias1], column2 [AS alias2], ... FROM table1; | SELECT LastName,FirstName AS First FROM Students; | Grouping | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table [GROUP BY column(s)]; | SELECT LastName,COUNT(*) FROM Students GROUP BY LastName; | Group Filtering | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table [GROUP BY column(s)] [HAVING condition(s)]; | SELECT LastName,COUNT(*) FROM Students GROUP BY LastName HAVING LastName like '%son'; | Joins | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table1,table2,... [WHERE condition(s)]; | SELECT LastName,Points FROM Students,Assignments WHERE AssignmentID=12 AND Students.StudentID=Assignments.StudentID; | Table Aliases | SELECT column1,column2,... FROM table1 [alias1], table2 [alias2],... [WHERE condition(s)]; | SELECT LastName,Points FROM Students S,Assignments A WHERE S.StudentID=A.StudentID AND A.AssignmentID=12; | Everything | SELECT [DISTINCT] column1 [AS alias1], column2 [AS alias2], ... FROM table1 [alias1], table2 [alias2],... [WHERE condition(s)] [GROUP BY column(s)] [HAVING condition(s)] [ORDER BY column(s) [DESC]]; | SELECT Points, COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM Students S,Assignments A WHERE S.StudentID=A.StudentID AND A.AssignmentID=12 GROUP BY Points HAVING Points > 10 ORDER BY Cnt, Points DESC; |
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